Data Law

Data Law

The phrase “data is the new oil” is not new, however, in the age of AI and tailored algorithms, it has never been truer. 

Commercialising data

AI has brought an unprecedented demand for data.  Some of the data is protected by IP rights with rightsholders expecting royalties on data processed in machine learning.  We have advised on data licensing transaction a major generative AI platform and help share the UK government’s policy on AI and copyright.

Database rights

Rights in databases may be protected by copyright or a specific IP right rewarding investment in obtaining, organising or verifying data. Valuable databases may contain IP rights or confidential information which, if accessed under lawful exceptions, may cause harm to a business. We offer advice on protection of databases and enforcement of rights in cases of data extraction.

Personal data

Personal data spans an array of information about individuals from email addresses and images to genetic information. Storing and using data is heavily regulated under the data protection laws applicable to all businesses.  In some areas. for example in R&D, clinical trials or law enforcement, additional rules apply.  As members of the International Association for Privacy Practitioners, we guide clients through established laws as well as work with the Information Commissioner’s Office on the need to protect personal informaion against unlaful mining.